Sterilex is pleased to announce our partnership with Surge für Wasser on Weltwassertag 2024 for the 3rd consecutive year. We plan to celebrate water and raise awareness of the 2 billion people living without access to safe water.

We have partnered with Surge since 2022 to support their mission in investing in communities with safe water, sanitation, hygiene and menstrual health education to end the cycle of poverty.

The Cost of Poor Sanitary Infrastructure & Lack of Clean Water

Globally, 2 billion people lack access to clean water and more than 1 million people are killed each year by water-related illnesses.

Together with Surge, we are helping deliver impactful, sustainable solutions. The severity of the global water crisis highlights the importance of long-term, grassroots action.

Shilpa Alva, Founder and Executive Director, shared that Surge is “grateful to all partners for giving back to global communities and for raising awareness of the global water crisis. These partnerships will fund critical work in the communities we serve and encourage other supporters to become more involved with Surge’s mission. Hand-in-hand with our partners we can create a happier, healthier world.”

Creating Change

By partnering with Surge, we can make a transformational difference in the communities that still lack access to clean water.

About Surge For Water

Surge invests in communities through safe water and sanitation solutions on a global scale to help end the cycle of poverty. Surge operates under a community-driven model, working hand-in-hand with local partners and community members to implement impactful solutions that have been sustainably designed.

For more information on Surge, visit


Sterilex setzt sich dafür ein, Unternehmen beim Wassersparen zu helfen.

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