Shock Treatment (Initial Treatment)

When beginning use of Lösung 1 und Lösung 2 at a plant, it is important to implement a shock protocol before backing off to maintenance treatments. A shock treatment should also be used whenever a plant has an increase in counts, a new “hot spot” or experiences a sudden decrease in product shelf life.

A shock treatment with Solution 1 and Solution 2 involves 3–5 consecutive applications.

Maintenance Treatment (Weekly)

Following a successful shock treatment, plants can begin to experiment with use frequencies while continuously conducting environmental monitoring in order to determine a proper/necessary Sterilex use protocol.

In general, Lösung 1 und Lösung 2 should be used at least 3X/week in RTE or more highly sensitive environments and at least 1X/week in other areas.

Food Contact Surfaces Usage Protocol

  1. Refer to the SDS for proper safety protocols and recommended PPE.
  2. Foam all surfaces in the plant with a chlorinated caustic detergent or general purpose cleaner, followed with a water rinse.
  3. Bereiten Sie eine Lösung von Lösung 1 und Lösung 2 mixed at a 1:1:10 ratio (12.8–16 oz of each solution/gallon of water) for use in a high volume, rinsed tank foamer. Once mixed, the solution MUST be used within 8 hours.
  4. Generously foam all overheads, walls, equipment, floors and drains to ensure thorough coverage. Allow chemistry to soak in all crevices of treated surfaces. | Minimum contact time: 10 Minuten
  5. Rinse all surfaces thoroughly with a potable water rinse.
  6. Apply a no-rinse food sanitizer to all food contact surfaces.

Sterilex empfiehlt, die Produkte innerhalb von 8 Stunden nach dem Mischen zu verwenden. Wenn eine Mischung nach 8 Stunden verwendet werden muss, verwenden Sie ein Testkit, um die richtige Wirkstoffkonzentration sicherzustellen. Mischen Sie so viel Lösung, wie für die jeweilige Anwendung erforderlich ist.

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