Fallstudien zur Bodensanierung + Weißes Papier

Production floors are the largest vector for cross-contamination. Disinfecting floors during production allows plants to reduce the microbial load going into sanitation and turn lines more quickly. Read on to see before and after pictures from a coffee plant that used Sterilex PerQuat® technology to reduce their pathogen positives. Following up with Sterilex dry sanitizers not […]

Fallstudie: Schimmelentfernung von einem Spiralförderer

Area of Concern A yogurt processing plant was battling the presence of mold on a plastic spiral conveyor. Issue In a yogurt plant, a plastic spiral conveyor and its framework was situated near the dairy filler, making it difficult to access for cleaning. In this wet environment, mold quickly grew on the conveyor. Background In […]

Fallstudie: Listerien Reduction on Food Contact Surfaces at a Poultry Processing Plant

Area of Concern Listeria monocytogenes was found on food and non-food contact surfaces in a large poultry further processing plant. Issue A large poultry further processing plant was experiencing numerous Listeria monocytogenes positives on non-food contact surfaces and sporadic positives on food contact surfaces. Background The plant experienced a higher number of positive Listeria incidences […]

Fallstudien zur Abwassersanierung

Drains are a notorious harborage point for foodborne pathogens. Maintaining clean and hygienic drains is critical to ensuring that bacteria like Listeria don’t make their way around your food processing facility. Sterilex PerQuat® technology is effective at penetrating and removing biofilm in hard-to-reach areas without the need for hand-scrubbing. The case studies shared on this […]

Verwendung von Fußschalen zur Verhinderung von Kreuzkontaminationen in Bereichen in der Nähe oder außerhalb von Türen, zwischen Hähnchen- oder Legehennenställen und Bereichen, die zur Eierverarbeitung führen

Area of Concern Foot pan use to prevent cross-contamination in areas near or outside doors, between broiler or layer house and areas leading to egg processing. Issue Sterilex was contacted by 2 large broiler and 2 layer farms interested in cost-effective and efficacious entryway intervention that could be applied to their foot pans in powder […]