Biofilm-Grundlagen: Resistenz und Beseitigung

In our previous post, Biofilm Basics: How it’s formed, we learned about how biofilm is formed and its Extracellular Polymeric Substance (EPS). What makes biofilm so dangerous to public health is its outstanding resistance to antibacterial treatments and disinfection. Resistance to antimicrobial treatment Resistance is the ability not to be affected by something, especially adversely. […]

Wasserqualität für Masthühner

One of the best ways to prevent disease and optimize performance in your broiler operation is to make sure your water supply is clean and waterlines are in good condition. Feed and water consumption are strongly correlated, and water consumption can be an indicator of flock health and performance. Water quality also has a direct […]

Der Schlüssel zur Desinfektion: Kontaktzeit

One way to help stop the spread of viruses is to disinfect hard, non-porous surfaces and high-touch/high-traffic areas such as countertops, floors, doors, handles, handrails, and more. However, just using a disinfectant doesn’t automatically kill all pathogens. Have you ever stopped and read the label of your disinfectant? Many (most) of us are guilty of […]

Warum die ordnungsgemäße Desinfektion von Geflügelwasserleitungen zur Entfernung von Biofilm für die Gesundheit der Herde von entscheidender Bedeutung ist

chicks drinking from waterline - disinfect poultry waterlines to remove biofilm between flocks

Five Benefits of Treating Waterlines Between Poultry Flocks You can’t really talk about improving the drinking water quality for poultry without also talking about biofilm and the importance of removing it from waterlines between flocks. We dive deeper into what biofilm is in our first Biofilm Basics blog, but generally speaking, biofilm provides a protective […]

Sind Ihre Vögel vor der Geflügelpest geschützt?

migratory geese sitting in a field - migratory birds can spread avian influenza to poultry

Prevent Avian Influenza with a Strong Biosecurity Program Wild water birds (like ducks and geese) can be infected with bird flu viruses, but usually do not get sick. However, they easily carry and spread the virus through their saliva, mucous and feces. This is why we typically see major Avian influenza outbreaks in the U.S. […]

Wichtige Hinweise auf dem EPA-Etikett

Top 5 things to look for on an EPA label We know most people skim product labels and many never actually read the detailed label instructions. We get it, EPA labels can be overwhelming, but the benefits of using EPA-registered products are only effective if the label is followed correctly. Knowing that we all skim […]