Sterilex Announces Animal Health Rebrand, New Package Size and Continued Commitment to Biosecurity

New branding designed to reflect the company’s commitment to fortifying animal health biosecurity and pathogen control Sterilex®, an industry leader in disinfection and microbial control, announced today a comprehensive rebrand for the company’s animal health product portfolio. The rebrand solidifies Sterilex’s commitment to improving biosecurity and protecting animal health and provides an opportunity to create […]

Wie sauber ist Schweinewasser? Die Antwort ist nicht so eindeutig.

Water is the most important nutrient to a pig’s diet, yet many nutrition audits tend to overlook quantity, quality and methods used to deliver water to pigs. This leads to misunderstanding and mismanagement. Several industry experts recently addressed this forgotten nutrient at the 2020 Allen D. Leman Virtual Swine Conference. Health concerns such as diarrhea […]

Controlling PRRS with Enhanced Biosecurity

pigs in a barn

Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome (PRRS) is a viral disease infecting sows and pigs which can lead to reproductive failure in breeding age herds and can cause pneumonia and increased mortality in young animals. It is the most economically significant disease to affect U.S. swine production since the eradication of classical swine fever. To attempt […]

Biofilm-Grundlagen: Resistenz und Beseitigung

In our previous post, Biofilm Basics: How it’s formed, we learned about how biofilm is formed and its Extracellular Polymeric Substance (EPS). What makes biofilm so dangerous to public health is its outstanding resistance to antibacterial treatments and disinfection. Resistance to antimicrobial treatment Resistance is the ability not to be affected by something, especially adversely. […]

Grundlagen des Biofilms: Wie er gebildet wird

Biofilm is a grouping of cells that stick together, embedded in a self-produced matrix of extracellular polymeric substance (EPS) composed of proteins, polysaccharides and other materials. More simply, it’s physical resistance of pathogens to disinfection. Before learning how to effectively remove biofilm, we first must understand how it’s formed.

Stoppen Sie die Vogelgrippe in ihren Bahnen: Vorbeugung ist Schutz

In der vergangenen Woche bestätigte das US-Landwirtschaftsministerium (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) das Auftreten eines hoch pathogenen Stammes der Vogelgrippe in einem kommerziellen Putenbestand in Chesterfield County, South Carolina. Die Vogelgrippe wird leicht durch Fußgänger und den Transport von Geräten übertragen. Wenden Sie eine wirksame Erregerkontrolle bei der Einschleppung an?