The Sterilex Team will be attending FoodWorX in Amsterdam 13th–14th November. Connect with us to learn how ProvaCharge™ solves complex food hygiene issues by eliminating up to 99.9999% of disease-causing pathogens like Listeria, Salmonella, E. coli and others in one simple step.
Don’t miss Scott Burnett’s presentation, Evolution of Environmental Hygiene: How Past Challenges Led to Better Solutions for Food Safety. Learn more.
Sterilex is a US-based food safety and biotechnology company specializing in sanitation, microbial control, and anti-biofilm products for food processing facilities. As a pioneer in products tailored to biofilm elimination, we are excited to launch ProvaCharge™—Sterilex’s newest two-part disinfectant, currently available exclusively in Europe.
Die ProvaCharge Produktlinie ist derzeit nur in Europa erhältlich. Unser Angebot Deutsch und UK ProvaCharge-Produktseiten für Informationen zu regionalen Versuchen. Wir laden Sie auch ein, einen Blick auf den Rest unserer Website zu werfen, um mehr zu erfahren über Die Geschichte unseres Unternehmens und preisgekröntes antimikrobielles Innovationen.
About FoodWorX
This year’s event focuses on the various elements fuelling innovation in the competitive world of Food manufacturing. Senior executives everywhere are witnessing an ever-increasing fusion of quality assurance, digital supply chain, physical and sustainability compliances and environments — whilst negating downtime and hitting production KPIs.