Área de preocupación

A yogurt processing plant was battling the presence of mold on a plastic spiral conveyor.


In a yogurt plant, a plastic spiral conveyor and its framework was situated near the dairy filler, making it difficult to access for cleaning. In this wet environment, mold quickly grew on the conveyor.


In order to clean the moldy track, the plant removed the track 2–3 times per week, washed it in a COP tank and then reassembled it. This process was extremely labor-intensive and time-consuming.


The plant trialed Solución limpiadora desinfectante Sterilex Ultra 1 (Solución 1) y Solución activadora Sterilex Ultra (Solution 2) to foam clean the conveyor and remove mold. Initially, the conveyor was foamed 3 times per week for the first 2 weeks, then the cleaning frequency was reduced to 1 time per week.

Results after using
Sterilex PerQuat ®

Sterilex Ultra Solución Limpiadora Desinfectante 1 y Sterilex Ultra Solución Activadora completely eliminated the mold from the spiral conveyor belt. By implementing Sterilex PerQuat® technology, the plant ultimately saved 2,288 hours annually in conveyor cleaning time. This significant 98% reduction allows for additional production time and the reassignment of workers to other value-added tasks.




This case study suggests that Sterilex PerQuat disinfectant is effective at controlling the growth of mold and mildew organisms and the odors they cause on hard, non-porous surfaces.

Before using Solution 1 and Solution 2, it took four people four hours to disassemble and clean the spiral conveyor multiple times per week. Now, it only takes one person one hour to clean the equipment once per week and the conveyor belt does not need to be disassembled.

In addition to removing mold, the facility also experienced some impactful operational efficiency savings:

  • Reduced Labor and Cleaning Time by 75%
    Four employees were disassembling and cleaning the the conveyor 2-3x per week. Now, the equipment does not need to be disassembled and only one person is needed.
  • Saved Time – Reduced cleaning time by 9 hours/week
    Employees only spend one hour per week cleaning and maintaining equipment.

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