Sterilex  has recently joined the Center for Biofilm Engineering’s Industrial Associates program.

Montana State University’s Center for Biofilm Engineering has been a world leader in biofilm research for more than 20 years. A prestigious 11-year National Science Foundation Engineering Research Center grant awarded in 1990 paved the way for the CBE’s influence in the emerging field of biofilm research. The Center’s three-fold emphasis in researcheducationsetor continues to produce results and exciting opportunities for students, staff, and faculty—as well as industrial partners.

Sterilex is a recognized leader in developing antimicrobial, anti-biofilm, and decontamination products for infection control, biofilm removal, biodecontamination, and chemical decontamination. Sterilex specialty biofilm-control biocides, disinfectants, and decontamination products are used in a variety of applications including human health, dental health, animal health, food processing, water care, industrial processing, and environmental remediation. Sterilex has  joined the CBE as a small business member. Mark Wozniak is the CBE’s designated representative.

For more information about the CBE and its programs, visit the CBE website.