
One step
to safer food.


The first of its kind in the UK, Sterilex’s ProvaCharge™ complements your existing food hygiene efforts, helping solve your most difficult hygiene challenges in 10 minutes or less. As a result, you can address micro issues in harborage niches and on poorly designed equipment to stay ahead of evolving regulations, keeping productivity high and consumers safe.

Use biocides safely. Always read the label and product information before use.


In just 10 minutes,
ProvaCharge kills...

  • Listeria, Pseudomonas, e Staphylococcus aureus biofilmes

  • Bacterial spores

  • Foodborne pathogens, including Listeria, E. coli, e Salmonela

How do ProvaCharge trials work?

  1. Fill out the form below.
  2. Our Technical Applications Consultant (TAC) will reach out to schedule a call.
  3. Participate in a facility walk-through* to determine trial goals, explain the process of establishing microbial baselines, and set the timeline and start date.
*Your TAC will help identify potential microbial hot spots and biofilm harborage niches with tools like Gel Indicon, then recommend steps to remediate problem areas.

ProvaCharge Trial Success Story

A Cherryfield, uma das principais empresas de processamento de carne suína do Reino Unido, precisava de ajuda para penetrar nos biofilmes e erradicar as bactérias de biofilme detectadas nas juntas das esteiras, nos blocos de açougue e nas linhas de corte quando os métodos convencionais de desinfecção eram insuficientes.

A Sterilex recomendou um teste abrangente do ProvaCharge Foam como parte de um tratamento de choque de vários dias na linha de corte.

ProvaCharge Trial Results:

Espuma ProvaCharge resolveram esses microproblemas complexos:

  • Penetrou em biofilmes e reduziu significativamente a presença microbiana em várias superfícies.
  • Melhoria dos padrões de higiene com a redução da concentração de bactérias na linha Primals.
  • Aumento da segurança dos alimentos, desempenhando um papel fundamental na redução de patógenos nocivos.
Cherryfield’s unwavering commitment to maintaining the highest food safety standards using cutting-edge technology demonstrates a dedication to delivering safe, top-quality pork products to consumers throughout the United Kingdom.

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Trial ProvaCharge in Your Plant