Same Products. New Look. Ongoing Protection.

Our top priority is helping you raise healthy animals, and we accomplish this through our commitment to improving biosecurity. That’s why the goal of this rebrand was to create a brand that more clearly demonstrates this commitment, as well as create product names that are easier to say and remember. We want to emphasize that only the names and brand are changing, not the products you know and trust.


Why Forti?

Not only did we want our products’ new names to be easy to say and remember, we also wanted them to mean something. The prefix forti is a nod to the word fortify. Fortify means to protect or strengthen against attack. Our Forti product family protects your animals against pathogens.


FortiGuard logo

Our entryway control product is your last line of defense against biosecurity threats. Just as a knight guards a castle, FortiGuard provides protection at the entrance to livestock housing. FortiGuard is an EPA-registered solid floor sanitizer specifically designed to control pathogens and enhance biosecurity in live production environments.

The line in the logo represents the line of separation. Use FortiGuard as your last line of defense to keep pathogens from entering your barns.

Learn more about FortiGuard.

FortiSolve logo

Terminal desinfecção de linhas de água enhances your biosecurity program and can reduce cross contamination. Much like a moat around a castle, FortiSolve is an effective barrier to biofilm and protects animals from pathogens that can accumulate inside water lines. FortiSolve is the only product on the market specifically tailored to sanitize, disinfect and remove biofilm in animal drinking lines.

The wavy line through Solve not only represents water but also illustrates our unique red dye that helps show when waterlines have been properly charged during product application.

Learn more about FortiSolve.

Our products advance animal health

Prevention is Protection

Nossa empresa está em uma posição única para reunir várias partes da cadeia de suprimento de alimentos. Como líder do setor na abordagem de desafios sanitários e microbianos, a Sterilex é uma fornecedora de soluções completas de segurança alimentar e tem o compromisso de fornecer soluções para o controle de patógenos da fazenda à mesa.

Tecnologia proprietária

PerQuat technology is the only chemistry with products approved to remove biofilm and kill pathogens on both public health and industrial surfaces.


Líder em biossegurança na área de saúde animal, temos o compromisso de manter seus animais seguros e saudáveis com produtos registrados pela EPA e verificáveis.

Remoção de biofilme

FortiSolve is the only product on the market specifically tailored to sanitize, disinfect and remove biofilm in animal drinking lines.

Registrado na EPA

Nossos produtos comprovadamente matam bactérias e inativam vírus.


Our liquid products are compatible with materials commonly used in waterline systems and our powder’s lack of odor and low dust profile provides for a better user experience.